If you encounter an issue that is not listed here, you can obtain support for Anaconda through the Anaconda community. For Anaconda installation or technical support options, visit our support offerings page.

The Navigator and Anaconda.org troubleshooting pages have been consolidated into this page. Click to view their sections:

Most common issues

Conda: Channel is unavailable/missing or package itself is missing

Receiving a 403 error from an Anaconda channel


Conda: command not found on macOS/Linux

conda update anaconda command does not install the latest version of the anaconda metapackage

The anaconda metapackage was removed from Anaconda Distribution installers in February of 2023 and no longer appears in your base environment by default. This troubleshooting topic assumes you are working with package incompatibilities in an environment containing the anaconda metapackage.

Recovering your Anaconda installation

If your Anaconda installation has become corrupted and is in a state where normal conda commands are not functioning, use the following steps to repair Anaconda and preserve your installed packages and environments.

Anaconda Distribution issues

Using Anaconda behind a firewall or proxy

Corporate security policies may prevent a new Anaconda installation from downloading packages and other functionality that requires connecting to an external server. To make external connections, you may need to connect to a firewall/proxy. Additionally, your IT team may need to allow connections to https://anaconda.org and https://repo.anaconda.com, as these are the main package repositories.

InsecurePlatformWarning error

Anaconda search error: not recognized as an internal or external command/unrecognized arguments

Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): - Killed

Linking problems when Python extensions are compiled with gcc

Error message: Unable to remove files

When trying to update or install packages with conda, you may see an error message such as:

Error: Unable to remove files for package: <PACKAGE>
Please close all processes running code from conda and try again.

Using 32- and 64-bit libraries and CONDA_FORCE_32BIT

To work with both 32- and 64-bit libraries, Anaconda recommends that you have two separate installs: Anaconda32 and Anaconda64 or Miniconda32 and Miniconda64.

Anaconda Distribution installation issues

Cannot get conda to run after installing

In macOS or Linux, you may get “conda not found” or “conda is not recognized as an internal or external command” or a similar message, and you cannot execute conda in a terminal window regardless of what path you are on. This will not happen in Windows if you use the Anaconda Prompt terminal dialog.

“This package is incompatible with this version of macOS” error when running a .pkg installer on OSX

When running the .pkg installer, you may encounter this error during the “Installation” step:

Anaconda installer download problems

Error message on Miniconda install: Already installed

“The installation failed” message when running a .pkg installer on OSX

Windows-specific Anaconda Distribution issues

Cannot see Anaconda menu shortcuts after installation on Windows

After installing on Windows, the Anaconda Prompt and Anaconda Navigator shortcuts do not appear in the Windows Start menu.

Windows error: Failed to create Anaconda menus or Failed to add Anaconda to the system PATH

During installation on a Windows system, a dialog box appears that says “Failed to create Anaconda menus, Abort Retry Ignore” or “Failed to add Anaconda to the system PATH.” There are many possible Windows causes for this.

Anaconda interfering with other software on Windows

Files left behind after uninstalling Anaconda on Windows

Spyder errors or failure to launch on Windows

Uninstaller requests admin privileges on Windows

After installing Anaconda or Miniconda as a non-administrative user on Windows, uninstalling may prompt for administrative privileges.

Windows permission errors when installing from Favorites folder

Trouble with activation on PowerShell on Windows

Some users might run into the following backtrace on Windows:

File "C:\Users\damia\Miniconda3\lib\site-packages\conda\activate.py", line 550, in _replace_prefix_in_path
assert last_idx is not None

macOS-specific Anaconda Distribution issues

“Conda: command not found” in zsh shell

Segmentation fault on package import with macOS Python 3.7 interpreter

In CPython < 3.8, using python3-config to determine a linking command line to compile an extension module will cause that extension module to segfault upon import. python3-config does provide command-line flags, but for the different purpose of embedding a Python interpreter.

Linux-specific Anaconda Distribution issues

Missing libgomp on Power8

If the Python command import numpy fails, the system is likely missing the libgomp system library.

Anaconda on Power8 reports “can not execute binary file”

Anaconda Distribution installation failed with “‘ascii’ codec can’t encode character ‘xe4’ in position 96” error

Issues launching or initializing

PermissionError on macOS Catalina

Access denied error

Trouble logging in to the Anaconda Server connection in Navigator

If you are having issues logging in or know you’re logged in but cannot interact with Anaconda Server, try the following solution:

VS Code is not appearing on the Navigator Home tab

Anaconda Navigator fails to start and gives Permission denied error

After installation, Anaconda Navigator may fail to start and give you a “Permission denied” error on the anaconda-client configuration file (/.continuum/anaconda-client/config.yaml).

Disable Anaconda Cloud login reminder

Update popup not automatically appearing

Anaconda.org issues

Captcha not appearing when trying to create an Anaconda.org account on Firefox

The captcha at the bottom of the Sign In panel on Anaconda.org sometimes fails to appear on Firefox browsers.

“URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed” 410 error when attempting to upload notebooks or environments to Anaconda.org

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