Navigator automatically checks for version updates when launched. If one is available, a popup displays that allows you to update to the newest version or keep your current version.

Anaconda recommends keeping Navigator updated to the latest version.

Manual update

You can also update Navigator manually through a command line interface (CLI). This can either be done with the update or install commands:

  1. Open Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux).

  2. If necessary, update the conda package manager in your base environment by running the following command:

    conda update --name base conda
  3. Update the anaconda-navigator package in your base environment by running the following command:

    conda update --name base anaconda-navigator

If Navigator is already up to date, your command line will display:

# All requested packages already installed.

If you see the above message, but believe Navigator should have updated, specify the exact version using the instructions in the Install command tab.


For troubleshooting tips, see the Navigator section of the Troubleshooting page.