Open a support ticket to get assistance from Anaconda if you are upgrading your operating system or plan on migrating your instance of Package Security Manager to a new operating system architecture, as this could severely impact your Package Security Manager instance!


  • pg_dump version 9.6.4+

  • pg_restore version 9.6.4+

  • Linux’s open file maximum must be set to 300,000

Backing up Package Security Manager

Follow these steps to back up your instance of Package Security Manager:

  1. Open a terminal and connect to your instance of Package Security Manager.

  2. Enter your installer directory.

  3. Create a backup of the docker-compose.yml and .env files. These files contain your server’s custom configurations and are overwritten during reinstallation.

  4. Using your preferred file editor, open the docker-compose.yml file.

  5. Locate the Postgres: expose: section of the file.

  6. Replace expose with ports, and replace "5432" with "5432:5432".

  7. Save your work and close the file.

  8. Restart your containers by running the following command:

    docker compose up --detach
  9. Run the following command from the install directory:

    # Replace <POSTGRES_PASSWORD> with your postgres password
    ./repo-tools backup --database-uri postgresql://postgres:<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>@localhost:5432/postgres --keycloak-database-uri postgresql://postgres:<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>@localhost:5432/keycloak --blob-dir /opt/anaconda/repo/state/internal/blobs/ >

    You can find your postgres password here: <BASE_INSTALL_DIR>/config/postgres/postgres_db_password.txt. By default, the <BASE_INSTALL_DIR> is /opt/anaconda/repo.

  10. Save the file to a secure location.

  11. Overwrite the modified docker-compose.yml with the backup copy to restore your custom configurations.

  12. Overwrite the modified .env file with the backup copy to restore your custom environmental variables.

  13. Restart your containers by running the following command:

    docker compose up --detach

Restoring Package Security Manager

Follow these steps to restore your instance of Package Security Manager:

  1. Reinstall Package Security Manager.

  2. Open a terminal and connect to your instance of Package Security Manager.

  3. Enter your installer directory (ate-installer-*).

  4. Using your preferred file editor, open the docker-compose.yml file.

  5. Locate the Postgres: expose: section of the file.

  6. Replace expose with ports, and replace "5432" with "5432:5432".

  7. Save your work and close the file.

  8. Restart your containers by running the following command:

    docker compose up --detach
  9. Copy the file to your Package Security Manager’s server.

  10. Run the following command from the install directory:

      # Replace <POSTGRES_PASSWORD> with your postgres password
      ./repo-tools restore --database-uri postgresql://postgres:<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>@localhost:5432/postgres --keycloak-database-uri postgresql://postgres:<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>@localhost:5432/keycloak --blob-dir /opt/anaconda/repo/state/internal/blobs/

    You can find your postgres password here: <BASE_INSTALL_DIR>/config/postgres/postgres_db_password.txt. By default, the <BASE_INSTALL_DIR> is /opt/anaconda/repo.

  11. Overwrite the modified docker-compose.yml with the backup copy to restore your configurations.

  12. Using your preferred file editor, open the new installation’s .env file.

  13. Manually edit the new installation’s .env file to include any custom environmental variables from the backup .env file.

    Do not overwrite the new .env file with the backup. The new .env file contains passwords that are required for proper functionality.

  14. Replace these values in the .env file with the values from the backup file:

  15. Run the following command in the install directory:

    docker compose up --detach repo_api