The Data Science & AI Workbench has a collection of tools that you can use to interact with your instance of Workbench at the operating system (OS) level. Workbench uses the anaconda-enterprise-cli package to manage its system via the command line. Everything you need to use the CLI tools is contained in the script that is run during environment preparation.

Follow the steps for administration server setup on your current machine to install anaconda-enterprise-cli.

Configuring the CLI

Before you can log in to your instance of Workbench, you’ll need to tell the CLI which sites it has access to and which one of the available sites to reach out to and interact with. To configure your CLI, complete the following steps:

  1. Add your Workbench repository URL to the list of sites anaconda-enterprise-cli can access by running the following command:

     # Replace <FQDN> with the fully qualified domain name of your Workbench instance
     # Replace <SITE_NAME> with a short name you want to use to refer to your Workbench site
     anaconda-enterprise-cli config set sites.<SITE_NAME>.url https://<FQDN>/repository/api
  2. Configure your instance of Workbench as the default site for anaconda-enterprise-cli to interact with by running the following command:

     # Replace <SITE_NAME> with the short name you provided in the previous command
     anaconda-enterprise-cli config set default_site <SITE_NAME>
  3. Verify your configuration was successful by running the following command:

     anaconda-enterprise-cli config view

Logging in to the CLI

  1. Access the CLI by running the following command:

     anaconda-enterprise-cli login
  2. Use your Workbench username and password to log in when prompted:

     Username: <YOUR_USERNAME>
     Password: <YOUR_PASSWORD>

Configuring SSL certificates using the CLI

If you updated the platform’s TLS/SSL certificate, you must update the Workbench CLI configurations to use the new repository certificates using the following commands:

anaconda-enterprise-cli config set ssl_verify true

Next Steps:

You can now configure channels and mirrors for your Workbench users.

CLI Configuration files

The Workbench CLI reads configuration information from the following places:

System-level configuration: /etc/anaconda-platform/cli.yml

User-level configuration: $INSTALL_PREFIX/anaconda-platform/cli.yml and $HOME/.anaconda/anaconda-platform/cli.yml

To change how the CLI is configured, modify the appropriate cli.yml files based on your needs.

Changing configuration settings at the user level overrides any system-level CLI configurations.

Included CLI tools

The Workbench CLI uses multiple tools to interact with your instance and your repositories, and these tools are provided via the script.

The script contains the following tools:

ae5-tools0.4.1pypi_0ae5-adminae5-tools github
ae5_backup_restore0.3.20ae5-adminae5_backup_restore github
ae_preflight0.1.9py_0ae5-adminae_preflight github
anaconda-mirror5.4.0pypi_0defaultsMirroring channels and packages