This topic provides guidance on installing Team Notebooks.

  1. Log in to your JupyterHub instance as a root user.

  2. Download the installer by running the following command:

    # Replace <INSTALLER_LOCATION> with the provided location of your installer

    The installer script you just downloaded requires an environment file to pass configuration values to it for use during installation.

  3. Create a file named .env.

  4. Enter the following information into the .env file:

    # Replace <URL> with your Package Security Manager URL
    # Replace <PATH_TO_CERT> with the path to your TLS/SSL certificate
    # Replace <PATH_TO_KEY> with the path to your TLS/SSL key
    # Replace <PATH_TO_CA_CERT> with the path to your CA_CERT file. Only uncomment this line if you are using self signed certificates.
  5. Save your work and close the file. Find and note the full path to the .env file you just created by running the command:

    echo $PWD
  6. Run the installer with the following command:

    # Replace <INSTALLER> with the installer file you just downloaded
    bash <INSTALLER>
  7. Review and accept the terms of the license agreement.

  8. Accept the default installation location of /opt/jupyterhub for the installation.

  9. Enter the path to the .env file you created when prompted with FILE PATH:.

    For example: /home/centos/.env.

  10. Allow the installer to initialize JupyterHub by running conda init when prompted.

With JupyterHub installed, you are ready to integrate with Package Security Manager!