Installing Miniconda
This page contains basic Miniconda installation instructions for Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as a command-line quickstart installation guide.
On Windows, macOS, and Linux, it is best to install Miniconda for the local user, which does not require administrator permissions and is the most robust type of installation. However, if you need to, you can install Miniconda system wide, which does require administrator permissions.
Basic install instructions
Quickstart install instructions
These command line instructions will get you set up quickly with the latest Miniconda installer. Follow the steps for your system to download and install Miniconda, then follow the steps in Verify your install above to verify your Miniconda installation.
These quick install commands run a silent install. If you run a silent install, you are accepting Anaconda’s Terms of Service (TOS) by default. Please make sure to review Anaconda’s full TOS here before proceeding with silent installations.
These three commands quickly and quietly download the latest 64-bit Windows installer, rename it to a shorter file name, perform a silent install, and then delete the installer:
After installing, open the “Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3)” program to use Miniconda3.
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