Tag projects you own to include additional options for project filtering, allowing you to efficiently locate projects when you need them.

Administrator users can manage tags for any project.

Adding tags to a project

Projects can have up to four tags each. To add a tag to a project:

  1. Click Tag to view the project’s tags.
  2. Click Manage Tags .
  3. Open the Tags dropdown, then select existing tags and/or enter a new tag for your project.
  4. Click Save Tags.
You can also add tags to a project from the project’s settings page.

Managing tags

To manage project tags:

  1. From the Projects page, click Tag to view the project’s tags.
  2. Click Manage Tags .
  3. Add or remove tags as needed.
  4. Click Save Tags.

Filtering tagged projects

Once you have added tags to your projects, you can use them to filter your projects, which will help you locate them efficiently. From the Projects page, open the Tag filter dropdown, then select the tags you need. The project list will filter to display only projects that contain those tags.

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