New Release: Miniconda 25.1.1
Team Anaconda
We are excited to announce the 25.1.1 release of Miniconda, Anaconda’s miniature version of the Anaconda Distribution installer. It includes:
- Python – the most widely used programming language for artificial intelligence, data science and machine learning
- conda – the open-source, cross-platform package and environment manager
Miniconda is free to download, easy to install, and comes with free community support. The installer is pre-configured to access Anaconda’s public package repositories that include over 33,000 open-source AI, data science, and machine learning packages across seven different platforms.
Download Miniconda 25.1.1 today and read the release notes for the full list of user-facing changes and packages in this release.
Please note: The Miniconda installer is subject to Anaconda’s Terms of Service.
Conda 25.1.1
Miniconda 25.1.1 ships with conda 25.1.1. The full release notes describe all the user-facing enhancements and bug fixes captured in this release.
Stay Current
Download Miniconda 25.1.1 today. We thank you for continuing to be a part of the Anaconda community. Please keep an eye on this blog to stay current on releases, including the next release of Miniconda, targeted for April.