Conda: A Package Manager for Data Science, ML, and AI

Reviewed and Maintained by:

Jim Bednar, Director, Professional Services, Anaconda
Dasha Gurova, Senior Open Source Community Manager, Anaconda
Jannis Leidel, Principal Software Engineer, Anaconda and Director, Python Software Foundation

Python’s open-source ecosystem is a powerhouse of innovation, constantly introducing new tools and libraries that enable developers to enhance their software by leveraging community contributions. This rapid evolution is particularly evident in the machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) sectors. However, this flexibility also brings challenges: managing package dependencies, handling multiple Python versions, and reproducing setups across various systems. While seasoned developers might navigate these hurdles with relative ease, scientific, ML, and AI users without formal backgrounds in software engineeringmay face significant friction.

Conda helps Python users get over all of these hurdles and more. But despite being around for over a decade, conda remains surrounded by myths and misconceptions. This guide aims to clarify what conda truly offers and why it has become indispensable for users in the scientific, data science, machine learning, and AI communities.

Table of Contents

Conda and How it Began

Let’s start with the basics.

Unlocking Conda’s Key Benefits

Get details on everything from install, to dependency and environment management.

Top Conda Package Repositories

Conda’s ecosystem offers an extensive package repository with centrally managed channels

Conda Resources

Get links to helpful Conda sites and support.

What is conda?

Package managers typically handle installing, updating, and uninstalling software packages. Most are either language-specific (like pip for Python or npm for NodeJS) or system-specific (like homebrew for MacOS or apt for Debian Linux). While pip is synonymous with Python packages, conda is a different beast entirely. Conda is not just a Python package manager; it is an open-source, language-agnostic package and environment manager that works across all major operating systems and platforms.

Conda provides a unified solution for managing environments and packages, streamlining workflows for developers and researchers working with complex, mixed-language stacks. While pip excels at managing Python packages, conda shines in handling dependencies involving compiled code from multiple languages.

How conda began

Python’s simplicity and readability have made it a favorite in the scientific and data communities, however, Python alone can be too slow for some of the heavy computational tasks these communities require. To address these issues, members of the Python community created libraries like NumPy and SciPy, written in compiled languages like C or Fortran for performance and wrapped in Python for usability. Today, many popular Python ML and AI frameworks and hardware-specific libraries (like CUDA) use extensions in C, C++, and Fortran. Building these libraries across different setups is not a trivial task (to get an idea, check out these instructions on how to build/install NumPy from source).

Before conda, users had to manually juggle dependencies and versions of system libraries, a daunting task for even the most experienced developers. Conda was created to alleviate this burden, offering a seamless, consistent experience for installing and managing dependencies across different operating systems and languages. This allows users to focus on the task they want to accomplish using Python, rather than wrestling with package management.

Unlocking conda’s Key Benefits

Easy Installs with Binary Packages

In the data-intensive world of ML and AI, performance is crucial. Libraries like PyTorch, TensorFlow, NumPy, or CUDA rely on other languages to achieve the necessary speed. Installing and managing these mixed-language libraries is complex and error-prone. Conda simplifies this by providing pre-built binary packages for all major platforms, eliminating the need for manual compilation and making installation as simple as running a single command.

For example, installing the CUDA toolkit(which typically involves a complex series of steps and decisions) becomes straightforward with conda. A single conda install cuda command ensures that all dependencies are correctly installed and configured, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors. This seamless installation process is a significant advantage for researchers and developers who need reliable and quick environment setups.

Robust Dependency Management

Managing dependencies in data science or AI workflows is especially challenging due to the interdependencies between Python libraries, non-Python libraries, and specific Python versions. Often, fixing one package breaks another, leading to “dependency hell“where incompatible packages cause endless debugging.

Conda tackles this with robust dependency management. For example, when you install NumPy with conda, it automatically includes all necessary dependencies packaged as conda packages. These dependencies remain available for other packages you might install later(such as PyTorch) ensuring compatibility and avoiding multiple copies.

Conda resolves dependencies for the entire environment, not just the package you’re installing. This holistic approach ensures a conflict-free environment, with all packages and Python versions working seamlessly together. Conda’s ability to manage complex, multi-language dependency chains is a significant advantage, eliminating package conflicts and streamlining workflows across diverse software stacks.

Built-In Environment Management

Experimentation is at the heart of scientific, machine learning, and AI workflows, including the use of various libraries and tools. However, installing or updating packages in your global system can cause conflicts and potentially break your host system. Conda addresses this with built-in virtual environment management, allowing users to create isolated “sandboxes” for each project or development stack. These self-contained environments enable you to install any combination of tools without affecting the rest of your system.

Switching between environments is effortless, and if something goes wrong, you can easily replicate or create a new environment. Conda’s approach keeps your host operating system unaffected while allowing you to install and manage libraries that might otherwise require admin privileges. This ensures a smooth, conflict-free workflow tailored to your project’s specific needs.

Python Version Management

Managing Python versions can be tricky, as many libraries are version-specific and installing Python on some systems is challenging (e.g., Windows). Conda simplifies this by allowing users to set up isolated environments, each with their own Python version. Since conda packages can include the Python interpreter itself, downloading and installing specific versions is straightforward. Conda’s robust dependency management ensures all packages in an environment, including the Python version, work seamlessly together. This eliminates version conflicts and dependency issues, making it easy to use the right Python version for your projects.

Reproducibility and Collaboration

Reproducibility is crucial for sharing your development environment with colleagues and maintaining consistency across different setups. You might have an environment that works perfectly, but can you recall all the steps and packages you gradually installed? Or perhaps you need to set up a continuous integration (CI) system, where it’s vital to ensure a consistent environment for your workflow runs smoothly. With conda, you can export environment configurations to a YAML file with a single command.

Conda environments are portable and independent of the system or user permissions, ensuring consistency across development, testing, and production environments. The ability to recreate environments easily is invaluable for collaborative projects. Team members can share their environment files, ensuring that everyone works with the same set of tools and dependencies. This eliminates the “it works on my machine” problem, streamlining the development process and making it easier to onboard new team members and manage project dependencies effectively.


Conda supports plugins, allowing it to be extended to accommodate use cases beyond its core functionality. With a growing plugin API, users and developers can enhance conda with additional tools and workflows. This flexibility is made possible by conda’s stable and dependable code base, which effectively supports a wide range of use cases across software stacks. By leveraging this extensibility, conda can adapt to evolving needs and continue to provide value in diverse scenarios. [Learn more about plugins.]

Open Source

Conda stands as one of the most enduring and stable open-source packaging tools in the Python ecosystem. Created by Anaconda in 2012, conda has been open-source and free to use from the start. Today, it is a community-managed project governed by a multi-stakeholder organization and fiscally sponsored by the NumFOCUS non-profit organization. Anaconda, alongside other contributors, ensures that conda is sustainably maintained over the long term.

The open-source nature of conda means it benefits from a diverse group of developers and contributors. This collaborative approach drives innovation and keeps conda evolving to meet user needs. The conda organization also incubates other packaging tools that work with conda packages and environments. Moreover, conda and pip collaborate closely, working to integrate and unify the user experience for both communities.The conda project is always looking for new contributors, whether it’s code, content, feedback, ideas, or bug reports. Everyone is welcome to join and help make package management seamless. By participating in the conda community, you can help shape the future of this essential tool, ensuring it continues to meet the evolving needs of developers and researchers worldwide. [GitHub]

Top conda Package Repositories

Unlike the decentralized approach of managing package repositories, where easy-to-install binaries depend on individual maintainers, the conda ecosystem offers an extensive package repository with centrally managed channels. These channels are reliable and host tens of thousands of popular packages across various software stacks and platforms, ensuring easy and consistent installation for users.

Anaconda (defaults)

The “default” channel, maintained by Anaconda, provides reliable conda packages built by experienced engineers on secure infrastructure. This repository includes many popular data science, ML, and AI packages, as well as a wide range of software beyond Python. Supporting multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, Anaconda ensures that packages are regularly updated, tested, and consistently work across different platforms, providing a stable and reliable source of software for your projects. However, use of Anaconda’s Offerings at an organization of more than 200 employees requires a Business or Enterprise license. [For more information, see our Terms of Service].


The “conda-forge” channel, maintained by a large community of contributors who help build and maintain packages, offers a comprehensive collection of open source conda packages. This collaborative effort ensures that a wide variety of packages are available for all major platforms and kept up-to-date. Anyone can contribute to conda-forge, whether to help with building packages or contribute your own library to be available for conda users as a package. [Learn more about conda-forge].


The “bioconda” channel is similar to conda-forge in that it is a community-led repository of conda recipes and build systems, hosting open-source conda packages. However, it focuses specifically on software related to biomedical research. It is important to note that the bioconda channel supports packages only for Linux (64-bit and AArch64) and macOS (x86_64) platforms. [Learn more about bioconda]

You can access these channels with the conda package manager by downloading Anaconda Distribution (includes conda and over 300 popular AI, ML, and data science packages pre-installed + access to Anaconda package repositories) or miniconda (includes conda + access to Anaconda package repositories).


Conda simplifies and enhances package and environment management. It’s not just a package manager; it’s the easiest way to set up a functional Python environment. Conda goes beyond Python, allowing you to manage all your software needs in one place. Whether you’re dealing with Python packages, C libraries, or non-Python programs, conda has you covered. Conda’s powerful features, combined with its open-source nature and strong community support, make it an indispensable tool in the modern software development and data science, ML, and AI landscape.