Community engagement makes Anaconda Distribution, conda, and conda-build better. We value our open-source community and encourage all users to contribute to the Anaconda ecosystem. The best contributions start by helping and encouraging others, especially newcomers who are struggling with something you’ve overcome. See below for other ways you can contribute.


The easiest way to contribute is to tell your friends about all of the things you can do with Anaconda. Be sure to mention that Anaconda provides package and environment management and over 7,500+ open source packages.

Check our social media to keep up with what’s happening at Anaconda and add to the conversation.

Community Help

Join the Anaconda community to help other users answer questions, debug issues, and suggest solutions.

GitHub issues

If you want to get involved in contributing code for Anaconda, conda, or conda-build, Anaconda recommends collaborating with others, resolving bug issues, and submitting pull requests with those resolutions.

Stack Overflow

Answer questions and suggest resolutions and workarounds on Stack Overflow.


Notice an error or gap in our documentation? We welcome pull requests for conda and conda-build documentation improvements and additions.

If a documentation change is needed in Distribution, open a ticket on anaconda-issues.

Example documentation contribution

Follow the directions below to submit a documentation PR using the GitHub interface.

  1. Start in the conda or conda-build documentation.

  2. Select “Edit on GitHub” on the page needing the edit.

  3. Edit the file in GitHub.

  4. Commit your changes.

  5. PR review process:

    • PR is submitted.
    • Anaconda community members and/or staff review the PR, providing comments and revisions.
    • New contributors sign the CLA.
    • PR is merged.

Conda-forge feedstocks

Contribute to conda-forge feedstocks where you can improve, update, and/or add new conda-build recipes to conda-forge. See our tutorials on how to build conda-build recipes.

The recipes here are often used as the base of recipes used to build packages for defaults/ Helping conda-forge increases the number and quality of packages available to install with conda, as well as helping Anaconda do the same for packages shipped in defaults.

A good way to find feedstocks to work on is to look at the staged recipes issues with the “Package request” label.

Enterprise Tier

Ready to scale up your projects? The Enterprise tier is an enterprise-ready, secure, and scalable data science platform that empowers teams to govern data science assets, collaborate, and deploy their data science projects.

Read more about Enterprise to see if it’s the right option for you and your team.