Updated November 2023

Data Science & AI Workbench includes support for customer-supplied Kubernetes clusters in both cloud-hosted and on-premise environments. This is the preferred method of installation host for Workbench. Here, we explain the rationale behind this decision and provide guidance for our existing Gravity-based customers.


Gravity is an open-source application delivery system, developed by Teleport (formerly Gravitational). Gravity creates installers that bundle application assets with Planet, a containerized Kubernetes stack. Gravity has enabled us to deliver Workbench to customers for installation on bare metal or virtual machine clusters with no existing Kubernetes support.

The benefits of the Gravity approach come with a number of practical challenges. The most important of these challenges stems from recent changes to Gravity’s support model. Until recently, Teleport offered paid commercial support, providing us with fast access to technical experts when needed. In 2021, they chose to sunset that offering completely. At the end of June of 2023, Teleport suspended further support for Gravity.

This change has important practical consequences:

  • Reliance solely on community support limits our velocity and ability to diagnose low-level performance or functionality issues.
  • There are no longer upstream developers to deliver bug and security fixes for the platform. As a result, we are unable to resolve CVEs related to Kubernetes or the underlying virtualization layer.
  • The latest production version of Gravity ships with Kubernetes 1.17.9, with versions 1.19.15 and 1.21.5 are in pre-release only. In contrast, the latest upstream Kubernetes release as of the writing of this document is 1.28.3.

In addition to these logistical challenges, our experience is that Gravity performance is very sensitive to the precise underlying operating system configuration. Our document Understanding Workbench system requirements represents a compendium of the challenges our customers have experienced.

We have observed that many of these configuration issues are a natural consequence of standard, legitimate IT policies that are not designed with Kubernetes in mind. Transferring ownership of Kubernetes uptime to your IT department, therefore, should help ensure a stable, performant platform for users. It also allows them to make security decisions about the Kubernetes stack that properly balance application stability with security risk.

Gravity build roadmap

We recognize that, for many of our customers, the benefits of Gravity outweigh these practical concerns. Their IT departments simply may not be prepared to formally support Kubernetes infrastructure. For these reasons, Anaconda intends to continue to create Gravity installers for Workbench. Here are our plans moving forward:

  • The production build of Workbench 5.7.0 is built on top of Gravity 7.0.39, which utilizes Kubernetes 1.17.9. This installer has received our full QA cycle, including tests of upgrades from an existing Gravity environment.
  • In some environments, in-place upgrades that update the major version of Gravity can fail. For this reason, Anaconda has developed a uninstall/reinstall cycle that preserves existing data. This alternative upgrade approach has received our full QA cycle.

Migration policy

When a customer is ready to migrate from Gravity to an in-house Kubernetes platform, Anaconda is committed to working with them to ensure that this process proceeds smoothly. To that end, Anaconda can support the following migration workflow:

  • In a standard pre-implementation meeting, we review our Kubernetes system requirements with your cluster administrators.
  • We assist in the installation of a new instance of Workbench on a customer-supplied Kubernetes cluster—running in parallel with an existing, Gravity-based cluster.
  • We use our standard DR & Sync tooling to transfer a snapshot of the current cluster’s content to the new cluster, so that users can exercise the new environment.
  • Once the customer is satisfied that the new cluster is ready to be promoted to production, we transfer a final snapshot, including the hostname and SSL certificate, and update the DNS records to point to the new cluster.
  • Once the cutover is complete, the customer is free to retire the old cluster.

Some logistical notes:

  • We cannot provide direct assistance with the specification and provisioning of your new Kubernetes cluster. However, our documentation offers a set of templates and provisioning details for the the major Kubernetes offerings, both cloud and on-premise, that your administrators are free to build from. Our installation process leverages Helm, making it compatible with all major Kubernetes platforms.
  • We consider it essential that both clusters are running simultaneously for at least a brief validation period. For this reason, we do not support an in-place “upgrade” of a production Gravity-based cluster to an alternative Kubernetes platform.
  • It is reasonable to consider initially under-provisioning the destination Kubernetes cluster. That is, the initial allocation of worker nodes to the new cluster can be smaller, in anticipation that the nodes from the Gravity cluster will be converted to additional workers once validation is complete. In this scenario, it would be necessary only to ensure that the new cluster has enough resources to complete the validation process before the cutover.
  • Many Kubernetes administrators are accustomed to hosting workloads that are less resource intensive than a data science development session or machine learning model. In particular, our Docker image sizes and recommended resource profiles are likely to surprise them. We encourage you to review the BYOK8s section of our document Understanding Workbench system requirements with your Kubernetes team prior to firming up a migration plan. They should also review the BYOK8s installation requirements and work through the pre-installation checklist on that page.

Finally, let us address two concerns about cost.

  • There will be no license charge levied for a parallel installation, as long as the intent is to fully migrate workloads to the new cluster, and decommission the original, once the installation is verified.
  • When migrating from Gravity to an alternative Kubernetes cluster, particularly one with multiple tenants, you may find it necessary to allow Workbench to run on more worker nodes to support the same workload. There will be no additional per-node charges levied as a result of this migration. Upon renewal, we will cap your per-node fees.