This guide offers recommended configurations and settings to install Data Science & AI Workbench onto a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster.

Instance types

  • Minimum: m5.2xlarge
  • Recommended: m5.4xlarge or larger


ROSA supports the use of both EBS and EFS storage for persistence. In theory, EBS can be employed for the anaconda-storage volume; but because EBS is limited to the ReadWriteOnce access mode, only EFS is acceptable for the anaconda-persistence volume. For this reason, Anaconda recommends provisioning a single volume that is large and performant enough to accommodate both storage requirements, to simplify management.

Please refer to the following pages for information on provisioning an EFS volume:

Anaconda recommends the following configuration parameters for this volume:

  • OwnerUid: Anaconda recommends this be set to the same UID selected to run the Workbench containers.
  • OwnerGid: Anaconda recommends a value of 0, which simplifies access from Kubernetes containers whose primary group is 0 by default. If you choose a different GID, it will be necessary to incorporate that into the PersistentVolume specification.
  • Permissions: 770 or 775. It is important that the directory be group writable.

When defining the access controls for this volume, include both the ROSA cluster and the administration server, so the latter can be used to manage the volume.

You can create an EFS access point using the UID/GID defined above.


OpenShift imposes a unique subdomain structure to the applications that run on its clusters; e.g.:

When creating the SSL certificate, make sure that they are constructed for this multi-level domain name.

Note that even though your ROSA cluster may already be configured to serve SSL, Workbench will still require its own SSL certificate due to the usage of wildcards.

Helm chart customization

OpenShift uses a different DNS server address than the one assumed by default in the helm chart. To ensure that the application uses the proper address, add the following lines, respecting indentation, to your values.yaml overrides file:

      dns-server: dns-default.openshift-dns.svc.cluster.local