Data Science & AI Workbench logs all activity performed by users, including the following:

  • Each system login.
  • All Admin actions.
  • Each time a project is created and updated.
  • Each time a project is deployed.

In each case, the user who performed the action and when it occurred are tracked, along with any other important details.

As an Administrator, you can log in to the Administrative Console’s Authentication Center to view the log of all login and Admin events:

  1. Open the My Account dropdown menu and select Admin Console.
  2. Select Manage Users to access the Keycloak user interface (UI).
  3. Log in using your Keycloak admin account credentials.
  4. Click Events in the left-hand navigation to display a log of all Login Events.
  5. Click the Admin Events tab to view a summary of all actions performed by Admin users.

To filter events:

Event data can become difficult to manage as it accumulates, so Workbench provides a few options to make it more manageable:

  1. Click the Config tab to configure the type of events you want Workbench to log, clear events, and schedule if you want to periodically delete event logs from the database.
  2. Use the Filter options available on both the Login Events and Admin Events windows to control the results displayed based on variables such as event or operation, user or resource, and a range of dates.
  • Click Update to refresh the results based on the filter you configured, and Reset to return to the original log results.
  • Select the maximum number of results you want displayed: 5, 10, 50 or 100.

To view activity at the project level:

  1. Switch to the User Console and click Projects in the top menu.
  2. Select the project you want to view information about to display a list of all actions performed on the project in the Activity window.

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