The Benefits of Mirroring the Anaconda Repository
Anaconda Team
One of the most common questions the Anaconda Enterprise team receives is something along the lines of: “But really, how difficult is it to build this using open source tools?”
This is certainly a fair question, as open source does provide a lot of functionality while offering a lower entry price than an enterprise platform. Furthermore, a platform you buy will never be as customized as a platform you build for your specific use cases. There are pros and cons for each approach, and the direction you decide to take depends on what business parameters you are trying to optimize at your organization at a very specific moment in time.
In its simplest form, model management can be seen as training one machine learning model, then repeating this tens, hundreds, or thousands of times with different data, parameters, features, and algorithms to finally deploy the “best” one. A more complete definition would be that model management involves developing tooling and pipelines for data scientists to develop, deploy, measure, improve, and iterate so they can continue making better models not only for one particular problem but for wider ranges of datasets and algorithms.
At the same time, model management carries the requirements of more traditional applications such as API development and versioning, package management, containerization, reproducibility, scale, monitoring, logging, and more. You can get so much value from ML compared to more traditional applications, but the investment you need to make can be overwhelming.
This blog post examines some of the exploration, experiments, and prototypes that we at Anaconda have performed around our model management features in recent months, and proposes an open source model management pipeline built on top of Kubernetes.
(This post also assumes you have an understanding of tools such as Kubernetes, TensorFlow, and PyTorch. We did our best to briefly describe each tool here, but please visit their respective websites and documentation to learn more about these great tools.)
A ML model has a lot of different requirements: for development/training you need GPUs, and for packaging you need Python, R, and other parts written in C and C++, as there is no one language you can use for everything. The application went from 10s of Mb to +100s of Mb since models have a lot of data inside of them. They went from endpoints being basically database operations that took a couple of milliseconds, to smarter operations that make predictions but take longer to execute and require more CPU and RAM.
At the same time, the traditional requirements of logging, monitoring, security, scalability, and others that more traditional applications have are also needed for these new types of applications. If you did A/B testing for experimenting with sections on a website, you will now do A/B testing for all your ML models to see which one is performing better with real data. If you scaled a Node web server, you now need to scale a TensorFlow Serving server, and so on. At the same time, development of the ML models is also much more complex and takes more time since it requires testing combinations of algorithms, features, and more variables.
Let’s explore the combination of a few new technologies for model management to provide a pipeline that solves three primary groups of problems:
The final output is a ML pipeline that trains multiple models, explores the metrics to (manually) pick the best, packages the model as a docker image, and deploys it as a REST API.
We are hoping that you follow along with this tutorial and give us feedback on the whole process. All the code needed can be found here: danielfrg/polyaxon-argo-seldon-example. Locally you won’t need much more than a couple of client CLIs and to clone a couple of repos.
$ brew install kubectx $ brew install kubernetes-helm $ pip install polyaxon-cli $ brew install argoproj/tap/argo $ git clone $ git clone
The next few sections will walk through the installation and configuration of five components that we’ll use to build a model deployment pipeline: 1) Kubernetes cluster, 2) NFS for persistent storage, 3) Polyaxon for distributed model training, 4) Argo to build a model containerization workflow, and 5) Seldon for model deployment.
Once we’ve installed and configured each of these components, we’ll train, build, package, and deploy a model starting in Section “Polyaxon: Training models.” So just go there if you want to skip all the installation bits.
(The following sections contain references from each project documentation, so be sure to read that if something here doesn’t work or becomes outdated.)
We used GKE but it could be any Kubernetes cluster, as they use the GCP console or with a command like this one:
$ gcloud beta container --project "<project-name>" clusters create "model-mgmt" --zone "us-central1-a" --cluster-version "1.10.7-gke.2" --machine-type "n1-standard-2" --image-type "COS" --disk-size "10" --num-nodes "3" --network "default"
Configure your local kubectl
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials model-mgmt --zone us-central1-a
This is where all the code, models, and data are saved. It’s super easy to create one using this GCP Single node file server template.
We need to create a couple of directories in the NFS server, so SSH into the node by copying the command available in the post install screen or just clicking the “SSH to …” button.
Once in the instance, create some directory structure for Polyaxon and JupyterLab and Argo later.
$ cd /data $ mkdir -m 777 data $ mkdir -m 777 outputs $ mkdir -m 777 logs $ mkdir -m 777 repos $ mkdir -m 777 upload $ cd repos $ mkdir deployments/ $ chmod 777 deployments/
Get the (private) IP of the NFS server either with the command below or just search for it on the Google Cloud console in the VMs. In my case
$ gcloud compute instances describe polyaxon-nfs-vm --zone=us-central1-f --format='value(networkInterfaces[0].networkIP)'
Finally, create some PVCs for Polyaxon and the other tools to use. Note that you need to edit the *-pvc.yml
files and add the correct IP Address:
$ cd <polyaxon-argo-seldon-example repo> $ cd gke/ # And replace with the right ip address in all the files $ vi data-pvc.yml $ vi outputs-pvc.yml $ vi logs-pvc.yml $ vi repos-pvc.yml $ vi upload-pvc.yml # Create the k8s resources $ kubectl create namespace polyaxon $ kubens polyaxon $ kubectl apply -f data-pvc.yml $ kubectl apply -f outputs-pvc.yml $ kubectl apply -f logs-pvc.yml $ kubectl apply -f repos-pvc.yml $ kubectl apply -f upload-pvc.yml
With the PVCs already created it’s relatively easy to install it based on the docs. First some permissions for the tiller (helm server) service account.
# Configure tiller to have the access it needs $ kubectl --namespace kube-system create sa tiller $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller $ helm init --service-account tiller # Add polyaxon charts $ helm repo add polyaxon $ helm repo update
Now we can start Polyaxon using Helm; the only extra thing we need is a polyaxon-config.yml
config file and run Helm:
rbac: enabled: true ingress: enabled: true serviceType: ClusterIP persistence: logs: existingClaim: polyaxon-pvc-logs repos: existingClaim: polyaxon-pvc-repos upload: existingClaim: polyaxon-pvc-upload data: data1: existingClaim: polyaxon-pvc-data mountPath: /data outputs: outputs1: existingClaim: polyaxon-pvc-outputs mountPath: /outputs $ cd <polyaxon-argo-seldon-example repo> $ cd polyaxon $ helm install polyaxon/polyaxon --name=polyaxon --namespace=polyaxon -f polyaxon/polyaxon-config.yml
When the command finishes you will get something like this:
Polyaxon is currently running: 1. Get the application URL by running these commands: export POLYAXON_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace polyaxon polyaxon-polyaxon-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') export POLYAXON_HTTP_PORT=80 export POLYAXON_WS_PORT=80 echo https://$POLYAXON_IP:$POLYAXON_HTTP_PORT 2. Setup your cli by running theses commands: polyaxon config set --host=$POLYAXON_IP --http_port=$POLYAXON_HTTP_PORT --ws_port=$POLYAXON_WS_PORT 3. Log in with superuser USER: root PASSWORD: Get login password with kubectl get secret --namespace polyaxon polyaxon-polyaxon-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.POLYAXON_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode
So execute those instructions and login using the polyaxon-cli
. The default username:password
pair is: root:rootpassword
$ polyaxon login --username=root --password=rootpassword
You can also visit the URL that is printed to visit the Polyaxon UI.
Full docs here (the permissions section is important), basically:
$ kubectl create ns argo $ kubectl apply -n argo -f $ kubectl create rolebinding default-admin --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=default:default $ kubectl patch svc argo-ui -n argo -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
Now we could visit the Argo UI that looks like this with a couple of workflows:
There are multiple ways to install Seldon. For this example I used Helm.
$ cd <seldon-core repo> $ kubectl create namespace seldon $ kubens seldon $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding kube-system-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default $ helm install ./helm-charts/seldon-core-crd --name seldon-core-crd --set usage_metrics.enabled=true $ helm install ./helm-charts/seldon-core --name seldon-core --namespace seldon --set ambassador.enabled=true
Run this in another terminal to proxy the Ambassador service:
$ kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -n seldon -l service=ambassador -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -n seldon 8003:8080
We have finally installed all we need. Let’s train and deploy some models!
Polyaxon is a tool for reproducible machine learning. It allows you to push parameterized code in, for example, TensorFlow or PyTorch for Polyaxon to run in what they call an experiment. Experiments can be part of an experiment group for doing hyper-parameter search.
Polyaxon takes care of executing the jobs based on imperative definitions in a way similar to how Kubernetes does; it also takes care of saving the metrics and outputs of the jobs for analysis and selection. It has some features we are not going use here to do distributed training or using Tensorboard.
Following the Polyaxon docs, we can create a new project based on the examples.
$ polyaxon project create --name=mnist --description='Train and evaluate a model for the MNIST dataset' $ polyaxon init mnist
Here we wanted to test the hyper-parameter search so the polyaxon file looks like this:
--- version: 1 kind: group hptuning: concurrency: 5 random_search: n_experiments: 10 matrix: lr: linspace: 0.001:0.1:5 momentum: uniform: 0.5:0.6 declarations: batch_size_train: 128 batch_size_test: 1000 epochs: 5 train_steps: 400 build: image: pytorch/pytorch:latest build_steps: - pip install --no-cache-dir -U polyaxon-helper run: cmd: python --batch-size={{ batch_size_train }} \ --test-batch-size={{ batch_size_test }} \ --epochs={{ epochs }} \ --lr={{ lr }} \ --momentum={{ momentum }} \ --epochs={{ epochs }}
Now we can run the experiment:
$ cd <polyaxon-argo-seldon-example repo> $ polyaxon run -u -f polyaxonfile_hyperparams.yml
Based on the parameter space, this command will create one experiment group with 10 experiments in that group. You can see the progress, logs, parameters, environment, and more in the Polyaxon UI.
When the experiments are finished, you’ll have 10 models that have been trained and can use Polyaxon to view metrics for those models and pick the best performing ones to deploy. Another option inside Polyaxon is to deploy a Tensorboard server to view the metrics there if you have saved the output in that format; here I just used the native Polyaxon metrics.
You can take a look and download the trained models by just looking at the NFS server we launched before and going to the group and experiment directory, for example:
Now that we have trained and serialized models we need to package and deploy it using Seldon. This requires some manual work as you need to create a Python class for Seldon to use, create requirements.txt and move the serialized model to the right location. Finally we need to use s2i to create the image using the base Seldon image.
All this process can be done manually locally by downloading the serialized model and using s2i, but in the spirit of automating things I decided to use Argo for this task.
I also wanted to keep most things in the Kubernetes cluster where models/data and others things are closer, so I used a JupyterLab server you can get up and running with this Kubernetes yaml spec:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: jupyter labels: app: jupyter spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: jupyter template: metadata: labels: app: jupyter spec: containers: - name: jupyter image: jupyter/datascience-notebook command: [""] args: ["--NotebookApp.token="] env: - name: JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB value: "1" ports: - containerPort: 8888 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /home/jovyan name: work-volume - mountPath: /output name: outputs-volume volumes: - name: work-volume persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: polyaxon-pvc-repos - name: outputs-volume persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: polyaxon-pvc-outputs --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: jupyter spec: selector: app: jupyter type: LoadBalancer ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 8888
This JupyterLab installation will have the right mounts for you to move the serialized model:
$ cp /output/root/mnist/groups/12/120/model.dat /home/jovyan/deployments/mnist/
After that, create the files required for Seldon: the Python class for Seldon, the .s2i
directory with the environment
file inside and the requirements.txt
. All of this is available in the repo. At the end it should look similar to this:
The actual Python class that Seldon uses is this:
import torch from network import Network from torchvision import datasets, transforms class MnistModel(object): def __init__(self): self.model = Network() self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load("./model.dat")) def predict(self, X, feature_names): tensor = torch.from_numpy(X).view(-1, 28, 28) t = transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)) tensor_norm = t(tensor) tensor_norm = tensor_norm.unsqueeze(0) out = self.model(tensor_norm.float()) predictions = torch.nn.functional.softmax(out) print(predictions) return predictions.detach().numpy()
This basically loads the serialized model in the __init__
function to later use in the predict
function; there we have some simple PyTorch code to preprocess the inputs to what the model expects. We now have all we need to package the model as a Docker image.
Argo is a workflow manager for Kubernetes. We will use Argo to build a reusable container-native workflow for taking the serialized model into a container that can be later deployed using Seldon.
To support this I created a simple Docker image that executes s2i and pushes an image. Dockerfile is here and the docker image is available as danielfrg/s2i.
Since we are going to push an image to Docker hub, first we need to create a secret with the credentials to login to the registry.
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<your-registry-server>
--docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword>
With the image, we can use Argo to manage the execution.
The Argo pipeline mounts 3 things to the container:
apiVersion: kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: model-pkg- spec: entrypoint: model-pkg volumes: - name: work-volume persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: argo-pvc-repos - name: docker-sock-volume hostPath: path: /var/run/docker.sock - name: docker-config secret: secretName: regcred items: - key: .dockerconfigjson path: config.json templates: - name: model-pkg steps: - - name: s2i-push template: s2i - name: s2i container: image: danielfrg/s2i:0.1 command: ["sh", "-c"] args: ["s2i build /src/mnist seldonio/seldon-core-s2i-python3 danielfrg/seldon-mnist:0.2 && docker push danielfrg/seldon-mnist:0.2"] volumeMounts: - name: work-volume mountPath: /src - name: docker-sock-volume mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock - name: docker-config mountPath: /root/.docker readOnly: true
Then just execute the Argo pipeline:
$ argo submit argo/pipeline.yaml
The pipeline uses s2i
with the base Seldon image eldonio/seldon-core-s2i-python3
, builds an image tagged danielfrg/seldon-mnist:0.2
,and pushes that new image to Docker hub. Argo will handle all the execution and you can see logs and more in their UI:
Now that we have an image in Docker Hub we can use Seldon to deploy the image.
Seldon is a great framework for managing models in Kubernetes. Models become available as REST APIs or as a gRPC endpoints and you can do fancy routing between the models including A/B testing and multi-armed bandits. Seldon takes care of scaling the model and keeping it running all your models with a standard API.
Seldon uses its own Kubernetes CRD and it will just use the Docker image that the Argo pipeline pushed. The Seldon deployment CRD spec looks like this:
apiVersion: kind: SeldonDeployment metadata: name: mnist labels: app: seldon namespace: seldon spec: name: mnist predictors: - componentSpecs: - spec: containers: - image: danielfrg/seldon-mnist:0.2 imagePullPolicy: Always name: classifier graph: endpoint: type: REST name: classifier type: MODEL labels: version: v1 name: mnist replicas: 1
This will create a couple of Kubernetes Pods that include the model running and handle other routing stuff.
After all this work we can finally query the model!
Since we deployed a REST API we can query this deployed model using a little bit of Python to read and image and make an HTTP request:
import requests import numpy as np from PIL import Image API_AMBASSADOR = "localhost:8003" def load_image(filename): img = img.load() data = np.asarray(img, dtype="int32") return data def rest_request_ambassador(deploymentName, imgpath, endpoint=API_AMBASSADOR): arr = load_image(imgpath).flatten() shape = arr.shape payload = {"data":{"names":[], "tensor":{"shape":shape, "values":arr.tolist()}}} response = "https://"+endpoint+"/seldon/"+deploymentName+"/api/v0.1/predictions", json=payload) print(response.status_code) print(response.text) rest_request_ambassador("mnist", "images/87.png")
The output for this will be a prediction for the image; the 87th image is a 9 and the prediction is indeed that.
{ "meta": { "puid": "6rtbtvkvlftfeusuej5ni4197q", "tags": { }, "routing": { }, "requestPath": { "classifier": "danielfrg/seldon-mnist:0.2" } }, "data": { "names": ["t:0", "t:1", "t:2", "t:3", "t:4", "t:5", "t:6", "t:7", "t:8", "t:9"], "tensor": { "shape": [1, 10], "values": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] } } }
Seldon has a lot of other features that are not explored here—check out their website!
This looks really hard!
Depending on your team experience it can be. It’s my belief that just knowing machine learning and statistics is not enough to get value from ML models. DevOps and software engineer practices are a key part of the process.
What should I do next?
Hopefully, this blog post gives you an idea of the technical challenges that involve building a platform for model management. There is a lot of stuff missing from this particular experiment, for example: monitoring, multiple users, authentication and security, audits, a catalog for the models as docker images. And should central storage be NFS or object store or something else? What about a multi-user development environment like Jupyter Hub? Each of these features will increase the cost of a solution significantly.
We are very interested in what you have to say about this particular experiment and about what model management means for you. If you have similar needs to what is described in this blog post, you should send us an email and we will be more than happy to chat about your needs.
Talk to one of our experts to find solutions for your AI journey.