Deep Learning vs Machine Learning: Whats the Difference?

Updated Oct 18, 2024


Business interest in artificial intelligence (AI) has reached a fever pitch. As a result, subsets of AI — machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) — are gaining significant attention. The differences between these two fields are subtle, but it’s important to understand them to maximize business value for your organization. This article will compare and contrast ML and DL, address common questions and misconceptions, and consider how machine learning and deep learning models can be essential tools for businesses that rely heavily on technology and software innovation.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a subset of AI that focuses on developing algorithms and statistical models that enable computer systems to improve their performance on a specific task through experience. At its core, ML is about creating programs that learn from data and make decisions based on it.

Machine learning algorithms come in various forms, such as linear regression, decision trees, and support vector machines. For example, a linear regression model might be used to predict house prices based on features like square footage, number of bedrooms, and location. Decision trees could be employed to classify emails as spam or not spam based on their content and metadata.

Machine learning can be broadly categorized into supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms. In supervised learning, the algorithm is trained on labeled data, where the desired output is known. Unsupervised learning, on the other hand, works with unlabeled data, trying to find patterns or structures within the dataset.

Two important aspects of machine learning are data preprocessing and feature engineering. These involve cleaning the data, addressing gaps in datasets where information is incomplete or absent, and creating meaningful features that the algorithm can use to make predictions or decisions. The success of a machine learning model often depends heavily on the quality of these preparatory steps.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a specialized subset of machine learning inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. It’s based on artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are designed to mimic the way neurons in our brains process information.

The “deep” in deep learning refers to the multiple layers in these neural networks. Each layer processes the input data and passes it on to the next layer, allowing the network to learn increasingly complex features of the data. This hierarchical learning process enables deep learning models to handle large amounts of unstructured data and perform complex tasks with remarkable accuracy.

Deep learning has achieved incredible breakthroughs in several areas:

  1. Image classification: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have revolutionized image recognition tasks. For example, in healthcare, CNNs are being used to detect skin cancer with 87-95% accuracy, outperforming human dermatologists who typically achieve 65-85% accuracy.
  2. Speech recognition: Deep learning models have dramatically improved speech-to-text conversion, powering more accurate voice assistants and transcription services.
  3. Handwriting transcription: Neural networks can now recognize and transcribe handwritten text with high accuracy, useful in digitizing historical documents or processing handwritten forms.
  4. Text-to-speech conversion: Deep learning has enhanced the quality of computer-generated speech, making virtual assistants and accessibility tools more user-friendly.
  5. Large language models: Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have transformed natural language understanding and generation for applications such as conversational agents, content creation, and customer support. 

Relationship Between AI, ML, and DL

To understand the relationship between AI, ML, and DL, imagine three concentric circles. The outermost circle represents AI — the broad concept of machines emulating human intelligence. Within this circle lies machine learning, a subset of AI that focuses on algorithms that improve through experience. At the core is deep learning, a specialized subset of machine learning based on artificial neural networks.

While these fields overlap, they also have distinct characteristics. AI encompasses a wide range of approaches to creating intelligent systems, including rule-based expert systems and natural language processing (NLP). Machine learning narrows the focus to algorithms that learn from data, while deep learning further specializes in multi-layered neural networks capable of learning complex patterns from large datasets.

Key Differences Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Several key factors distinguish machine learning from deep learning:

  • Human intervention: Traditional machine learning often requires more human intervention, particularly in feature engineering and model selection. Deep learning, in contrast, can automatically distill relevant features from raw data, reducing the need for manual feature engineering.
  • Data requirements: Machine learning algorithms can work effectively with smaller, structured datasets. Deep learning, however, typically requires large volumes of data to achieve high performance, and it excels at handling unstructured data like images, audio, and text. 
  • Hardware and computational power: Deep learning models, especially when training on large datasets, often require significant computational resources, including powerful GPUs. Machine learning algorithms generally have lower hardware requirements and can often run efficiently on standard CPUs.
  • Algorithm complexity: Machine learning uses comparatively straightforward algorithms like linear regression or decision trees. Deep learning employs complex, multi-layered neural networks that can model highly non-linear relationships in data.
  • Pace of model training: Machine learning models typically train faster than deep learning models. However, given enough training time and data, deep learning models can potentially achieve higher accuracy, especially for complex tasks.

ML and DL Use Cases by Industry

Let’s explore some concrete examples where deep learning and machine learning are being applied in various industries.


  • Fraud detection: Banks use machine learning algorithms to parse multiple data points from thousands of transaction records in seconds. These algorithms can analyze cardholder identification data, card issuance location, transaction time and location, and transaction amount to identify potentially fraudulent activities in real time.
  • Credit scoring: Many lending institutions are developing custom credit scoring models using machine learning. These models utilize the institution’s own customer activity data to better predict the risk or opportunity of extending a new line of credit. This approach can reduce delinquency costs from loan write-offs, delayed interest income, and servicing costs associated with collecting late payments.
  • Credit risk analysis: Financial institutions use machine learning models to determine potential borrowers’ probability of default. These models provide real-time information on a borrower’s credit risk, helping lenders make informed decisions about whether to extend credit and at what terms.


  • Product recommendations: Deep learning powers advanced recommendation systems that analyze historical purchases to suggest products to customers. For example, Amazon’s collaborative filtering algorithm predicts a customer’s preferences based on the choices of similar users.
  • Anticipatory shipping: Predictive analytics is used to create anticipatory shipping models. These models predict which products are most likely to be purchased by customers in specific areas, ensuring those items are stocked in the nearest warehouse for faster delivery.
  • Price optimization: Machine learning algorithms help e-commerce companies optimize pricing strategies, offering discounts on popular items while maintaining profits on less popular ones.


  • Demand forecasting: Energy companies use machine learning models to predict energy demand based on historical consumption patterns, weather forecasts, and other relevant factors. This helps optimize energy production and distribution.
  • Predictive maintenance: Deep learning models analyze data from sensors on energy infrastructure to predict when equipment is likely to fail. This allows for proactive maintenance, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of critical equipment.
  • Smart grids and microgrids: AI is being used to manage smart grids more efficiently, balancing energy supply and demand in real-time and integrating renewable energy sources more effectively.


  • Algorithmic trading: Hedge funds and financial institutions use deep learning models to analyze vast amounts of financial data, including market trends, news sentiment, and alternative data sources like satellite imagery, to make trading decisions.
  • Contract processing: NLP models automatically read and parse financial contracts. For instance, JPMorgan’s contract intelligence (COiN) system analyzes commercial loan agreements, saving the company 360,000 hours per year.
  • Market risk assessment: Machine learning models help financial institutions assess and predict market risks by analyzing various economic indicators, market trends, and geopolitical factors.


  • Emergency response: AI systems help government agencies incorporate data from multiple sources to support real-time decision-making during emergencies. These systems can analyze data from various channels, recognize potential threats, and send alerts to citizens.
  • Fraud detection: Government agencies use machine learning algorithms to detect fraudulent activities in areas such as tax collection, benefits distribution, and public procurement.
  • Security threats: AI analyzes vast amounts of data to identify potential security threats in cyberspace and physical environments. 

Advantages and Limitations

All machine learning and deep learning models require human oversight. Let’s consider some of the main advantages and limitations of ML and DL so you can determine which your team is best equipped to handle. 

Advantages of Machine Learning

  • Faster training times compared to deep learning: ML models like decision trees or logistic regression can be trained in minutes or hours, even on large datasets.
  • Requires less computational power: Many ML algorithms can run effectively on standard CPUs, making them accessible for smaller organizations or individual researchers.
  • Works well with structured, smaller datasets: ML techniques like random forests can produce accurate results with just a few thousand data points.
  • More interpretable models: Decision trees, for example, provide clear if-then rules that can be easily explained to stakeholders.
  • Suitable for a wide range of problems: Techniques like support vector machines can perform well even with modest amounts of training data.

Advantages of Deep Learning

  • Exceptional performance on complex tasks like image and speech recognition: CNNs have achieved human-level accuracy in image classification tasks on large datasets like ImageNet.
  • Ability to handle large, unstructured datasets: Recurring neural networks (RNNs) and transformers can process and generate human-like text from vast corpora of natural language data.
  • Automatic feature extraction, reducing the need for manual feature engineering: Deep networks can learn to identify relevant features in raw data, such as edges and textures in images.
  • Continual improvement with more data: Unlike many ML algorithms, deep learning models are built to continuously retrain and adapt to new data inputs. 

Limitations of Machine Learning

  • Often requires extensive feature engineering: Domain expertise is usually needed to create effective features, which can be time-consuming and limit the model’s generalizability.
  • May struggle with complex tasks or unstructured data: Traditional ML algorithms often fall short on tasks like natural language understanding or complex image recognition.
  • Performance can plateau after a certain point: Adding more data may not significantly improve model performance beyond a certain threshold.

Limitations of Deep Learning

Risk of overfitting, especially with smaller datasets: Deep learning models with millions of parameters can easily memorize training data, leading to poor generalization on new, unseen data if not carefully managed. your teams build and deploy secure Python solutions, faster? Book time with one of our experts to discuss your organization’s requirements.

Requires large amounts of data for optimal performance: Deep learning models may need millions of examples to achieve state-of-the-art performance, which can be challenging in domains with limited data availability.

High computational cost for training and sometimes for inference: Training large models can require significant GPU resources and take weeks or months, making it impractical for many organizations.

“Black box” nature of models can make them difficult to interpret: The complex interconnections in deep neural networks make it challenging to explain why a particular decision was made, which can be problematic in regulated industries.

Choosing Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning

The choice between machine learning and deep learning depends on several factors:

  1. Data size and type: If you have large datasets, especially unstructured data like images or text, deep learning might be more suitable. For smaller, structured datasets, traditional machine learning algorithms often suffice.
  2. Task complexity: For complex tasks like image recognition or natural language understanding, deep learning typically outperforms traditional machine learning. For simpler tasks or when interpretability is critical, machine learning might be preferable.
  3. Computational resources: Consider your available hardware and time constraints. Deep learning often requires more powerful hardware and longer training times.
  4. Expertise: Deep learning typically requires more specialized knowledge. If your team is more familiar with traditional machine learning techniques, this might influence your choice.
  5. Interpretability requirements: If you need to explain how the model arrives at its decisions (e.g., in healthcare or finance), machine learning models could be more appropriate.

Utilizing Python and Open-Source Tools for Deep Learning and Machine Learning

Python has emerged as the most popular language for both machine learning and deep learning use cases, thanks to its simplicity, readability, and extensive ecosystem. Its clear syntax allows developers to focus on solving complex problems rather than managing language intricacies. But what truly sets Python apart is its rich set of open-source libraries and frameworks.

NumPy, a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, is at the foundation of many machine learning and deep learning projects. It provides support for large, multidimensional arrays and matrices and a collection of mathematical functions to operate on these arrays efficiently. Building on NumPy, pandas offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series, making it invaluable for data preprocessing and analysis.

For traditional machine learning tasks, scikit-learn stands out as a powerful library. It provides simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis, including implementations of various machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction. Its consistent interface makes it easy for developers to experiment with different algorithms and find the best solution for their specific problem.

When it comes to deep learning, frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch have become industry standards. TensorFlow, developed by Google, is an open-source library for numerical computation and large-scale machine learning, particularly popular for deep learning tasks. PyTorch, created by Meta’s AI Research lab, is known for its flexibility and dynamic computational graphs, making it a favorite among researchers. For those seeking a higher-level API, Keras provides a user-friendly and modular interface that can run on top of TensorFlow, simplifying the process of building and experimenting with neural networks.

Data visualization plays a key role in understanding and presenting machine learning results. Matplotlib, a comprehensive plotting library, produces publication-quality figures in a variety of formats, essential for exploring data distributions and model performance.

Tying all of these tools together in an interactive environment, Jupyter Notebook has become an indispensable part of the machine learning workflow. While not strictly a machine learning tool, Jupyter Notebooks provide a platform for developing and presenting data science projects, combining code execution, rich text, and visualizations in a single document.

These open-source tools empower developers throughout the entire machine learning and deep learning development process. In the data preprocessing stage, NumPy and pandas allow for efficient data manipulation and cleaning, key steps that must be taken before feeding data into ML or DL models. When it comes to model building, scikit-learn provides a consistent interface for implementing various ML algorithms, while TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras offer powerful capabilities for constructing complex neural networks for deep learning.

By using open-source tools, data scientists and machine learning engineers can focus on solving problems and developing innovative AI solutions, rather than reinventing the wheel for basic functionalities. 

Building ML and Deep Learning Models with Anaconda

Both deep learning and machine learning are powerful tools in the AI world, and the optimal choice for your organization depends on the specific problems you’re facing and the available resources. However, regardless of which approach you choose, having the right development environment is necessary for success.

Anaconda stands out as a comprehensive platform that provides the necessary tools and environment for both deep learning and machine learning development. It offers several key advantages:

  1. Comprehensive package management: Anaconda effectively integrates essential data processing tools and popular ML and DL libraries, ensuring compatibility and simplifying package management.
  2. Environment management: With Anaconda’s conda environments, you can ensure full reproducibility of your Python ecosystem across different platforms and hardware architectures, which is essential for maintaining consistent development environments.
  3. Scalability: Anaconda supports parallelization and distributed computing solutions, allowing you to leverage scalable computing resources for training on large datasets.
  4. Model deployment: The platform facilitates the deployment of machine learning models into production environments, supporting deployment to various platforms including cloud services.
  5. Model monitoring: Anaconda assists in monitoring and maintaining deployed ML models, offering tools for tracking model performance and detecting data drift.
  6. Version control and updates: Anaconda simplifies the process of updating and applying bug fixes to ML libraries, ensuring your models stay up-to-date and secure.
  7. Jupyter Notebooks integration: Anaconda’s support for Jupyter Notebooks allows data scientists to easily develop, document, and share their ML and DL models.

By providing a unified platform for both machine learning and deep learning development, Anaconda empowers data scientists and machine learning engineers to focus on model development and experimentation, instead of getting bogged down in environment setup and package management.

Whether you’re embarking on a machine learning project or diving into the intricacies of deep learning, Anaconda provides the tools and environment you need to succeed. Talk to sales to see first hand how Anaconda can streamline your AI development process.