If your organization requires you to download and install the Oracle Instant Client as a package—from a secure private repository, for example—you (or an Administrator) can use the following instructions to build the package.

  1. Create a build.sh file that looks like the following

mkdir -p share
mkdir -p lib

cd share
unzip $RECIPE_DIR/instantclient-basic-linux.x64-${PKG_VERSION}dbru.zip

cd instantclient*
cp libclntsh.so.19.1 ../../lib/
cp libnnz19.so ../../lib/
cp libmql1.so ../../lib/
cp libipc1.so ../../lib/
cp libociei.so ../../lib/
cp libocijdbc19.so ../../lib/
cp liboramysql19.so ../../lib/
cp libocci.so.19.1 ../../lib/
cp libclntshcore.so.19.1 ../../lib

cd ../../lib
ln -s libclntsh.so.19.1 libclntsh.so
ln -s libocci.so.19.1 libocci.so
ln -s libclntshcore.so.19.1 libclntshcore.so

  1. Create a meta.yaml file that looks like the following:
{% set version="" %}
  name: instantclient
  version: {{ version }}

  url: ./instantclient-basic-linux.x64-{{ version }}dbru.zip

  number: 1

    - unzip

  1. Download the appropriate instantclient zip file into the same directory as the build.sh and meta.yaml files.

  2. Edit meta.yaml with the absolute path to instantclient zip file.

  3. If necessary, update the version in metadata.yaml.

  4. In a terminal, run the following:

    $ conda build oracle_instantclient

The package will be created in the directory where Anaconda is installed. For example, /Users/username/anaconda3/conda-bld/osx-64/instantclient-

  1. To install the package, run:

    $ conda install --offline ./instantclient-
  2. To verify that the installation was successful, run:

    $ conda list
    # packages in environment at /Users/username/anaconda3/envs/instanclient:
    # Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
    instantclient                       1    local
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